Indonesia’s Deputy Trade Minister, Mr. Jerry Sambuaga, led the Indonesian delegation at the ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, discussing regional economic initiatives and cooperation

ON 17th September 2024, Indonesia’s Deputy Trade Minister, Mr. Jerry Sambuaga, represented Indonesia at the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) meeting in Vientiane, Laos. The meeting was led by the Minister of Industry and Trade of Laos, Mr. Malaithong Kommasith, as the Chair of the AEM. Also present the ASEAN Economic Ministers, the Secretary General of ASEAN, and the Minister of Trade and Industry of Timor-Leste, Filipus Nino Pereira, as an observer country in ASEAN.
The meeting discussed several agendas, including the achievement of economic priorities under the Laos chairmanship of ASEAN in 2024, the Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA), the SEOM Chair report to the AEM, initiatives under the ASEAN economic community, the ASEAN cooperation mechanism with ASEAN-ABAC; update on ASEAN-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and preparation for ASEAN meeting with dialogue partners on 19th – 22nd September 2024.
The meeting also witnessed the Minister of Industry and Trade of Laos, Malaithong Kommasith as AEM Chair 2024 handing over the ASEAN Chairmanship to the Alternate Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry of Malaysia, Mastura Ahmad Mustafa who will become the Chair of ASEAN Economic Ministers in 2025.
On this occasion, the Deputy Minister of Trade was accompanied by the Director General of International Trade Negotiations, Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono; Director of ASEAN Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Adhyanti Sardanarini Wirajuda; Indonesian Trade Attaché in Hanoi, Addy Perdana Soemantry; and Indonesian Trade Attaché in Bangkok, Rafika Arfani.