Indonesian Embassy in Singapore bids farewell to outgoing staff and welcomes new officials in a ceremonial send-off and reception

The Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, H.E. Suryo Pratomo, together with all the staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, bid farewell to the departing and welcomed the new Indonesian BUMN officials in Singapore.

THE Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, H.E. Suryo Pratomo, along with the entire staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, bid farewell to the outgoing home staff and officials of Indonesian state-owned enterprises (BUMN) serving in Singapore. This farewell marked the conclusion of their tenure in Singapore.

The departing officials included
Ms. Hastin Aristya Bhakti Dumadi, Coordinator for Economic Affairs
Mr. Yosep Trianugra Tutu, Coordinator for Protocol and Consular Affairs
Ms. Tantri Darmastuti, Technical Staff for Labor Affairs
Mr. Yosua Partogi Monang, Second Secretary for Protocol and Consular Affairs
Mr. Nuryana, Administrative Staff (SK 111)
Ms. Anastuty Kusumowardhani, Head of Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Singapore
Mr. Hardiyanto Pilia, CEO of Mandiri Investment Management
Mr. Muhamad Resa, Managing Director of Pertamina International Shipping APAC Pte. Ltd; and
Mr. Ali Azmy, Trading Risk Manager of Pertamina International Marketing & Distribution Pte. Ltd.

The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore also welcomed new home staff and officials from Indonesian state-owned enterprises (BUMN) who have recently commenced their assignments in Singapore. The incoming officials included
Ms. Danik Lestari, Administrative Officer at the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore;
Mr. Tri Nugroho, General Manager & Country Head of Bank Mandiri Singapore
Mr. Alfajri Alwis, Corporate & Trade Manager of Bank Mandiri Singapore
Mr. Fandy Rachmanto, Treasury Manager of Bank Mandiri Singapore
Mr. Eric Sitompul, Treasury Sales Officer of Bank Mandiri Singapore
Mr. Anggia Eben, Corporate & Trade Relationship Manager of Bank Mandiri Singapore
Ms. Widi Agustin, Head of Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Singapore
Mr. Mochammad Faridz Rachman, Operations Department Head of BRI Singapore; and
Mr. Rakhmad Febriyadi, Internal Control Officer of BRI Singapore.

This event underscores the diplomatic and operational transitions within the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, maintaining continuity in diplomatic relations and operational effectiveness between Indonesia and Singapore.

Source: Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore Instagram