The 13th Working Group of Investment (WGI) between Indonesia and Singapore convened on 2nd-3rd May 2024, at the Enterprise Singapore (ESG) office in Singapore, focusing on enhancing bilateral investment cooperation.

THE 13th Working Group of Investment (WGI) between Indonesia and Singapore took place on 2nd and 3rd May 2024, at the Enterprise Singapore (ESG) office in Singapore. The meeting aimed to discuss the progress and follow-up plans for enhancing investment cooperation between the two countries.
Singapore’s delegation was led by the Director of Southeast Asia at ESG Lim Jing Jun, while Indonesia’s delegation was led by the Director of Regional and Multilateral Cooperation at the Ministry of Investment Fajar Usman, comprising representatives from the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, including IIPC Singapore, as well as several relevant ministries (Southeast Asia Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Ministry of Health), representatives from the West Java Provincial Government (DPMPTSP, Rebana), Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia (KIPI), and the Association of Government-Owned Water Utility Companies throughout Indonesia (PERPAMSI).
Singapore presented various investment promotion collaborations that have been or will be undertaken, along with developments and investment opportunities in the Food and AgriTech sector as well as the semiconductor industry.
Meanwhile, Indonesia outlined the progress of various infrastructure development projects, including the Nusantara Capital City, the development of the Rebana Metropolitan area and KIPI, as well as cooperation in renewable energy and water supply.
Both countries agreed to enhance investment cooperation, particularly in the digital, green energy, blue energy, and health sectors.
The outcomes of the meeting will serve as a reference for the Senior Official Meeting of the Indonesia-Singapore Working Group, scheduled for June in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Source: Indonesian Embassy in Singapore