Author: indoconnect

Ikon Kuliner 30 Tradisional Indonesia

A collection of 30 dishes have been compiled to highlight traditional Indonesian culinary icons. IndoConnect brings you a selection of these dishes that raise the awareness and richness of the country’s culinary culture. 1. Soto...

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FHA 2014: About 50 Indonesian Companies Coming

FoodHotelAsia (FHA) 2014 together with Wine&SpiritsAsia 2014, is the biggest and most important regional food, beverage and hospitality show to be held in Singapore from 8 to 11 April. For the first time, all nine exhibition...

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Indonesia Fashion Week Goes Green

This year’s Indonesia Fashion Week will place environmental concerns in the spotlight with terms like sustainable or eco-fashion championing the Green Movement. The event will be held at the Jakarta Convention Centre from 20 to...

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