Author: indoconnect

How to Avoid Buying Toxic Cosmetics Online

Many of these stores sell nail polish, blush on, and any online stores sell nail polish, blush-on and makeup. But what most people don’t know is that many, if not all, of these products are highly toxic. Despite well designed...

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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is defined by the World Federation of Chiropractic as “A health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these...

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Increase Your Testosterone with Yoga

Men and women both produce the hormone. Men do it through their testicles, while the women secrete the hormone through the ovaries. Both sexes also produce the hormone through the adrenal glands. Though both produce...

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What do They Say?

Irvan Nugraha – iPhone 4s Favourite App: Dengan aplikasi ini, saya dapat mengetahui bus/mrt mana yang harus saya naiki untuk mencapai tempat tujuan saya di Singapura. Maklum saya sering tersesat! Hehehe.. Dream...

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The S5 Arrives

The last year or so, the big debate on the best smartphone to buy was centred on whether to choose the Samsung Galaxy S4 or iPhone 5. Then last February, that discussion has been overtaken by how appealing is the new Samsung S5...

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