Author: indoconnect

How to Make a Pempek Palembang

28 April 2014 A fun and instructive workshop was organised by DWP KBRI Singapura that showed how to make this famous fishcake delicacy from Palembang. During the demonstration, DWP KBRI Singapura head, Mrs Ferial Hadi was also...

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Record Voters Turnout for Legislative Elections

6 April 2014 The first voters came before dawn around 6 am and by Sunday evening 13,073 Indonesians from all walks of life had cast their votes at the Indonesian Embassy; the remainder voted through mail for a total of 23,851...

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Dr OZ Health Talk & DWP Donation

24 March 2014 TV Talk Show personality, Dr OZ, Indonesia, Dr Ryan Thamrin, health talk to members of the DWP KBRI Singapura was accompanied by a simple ceremony – donations collected here for the victims of Indonesian natural...

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