Kasihi Sesamamu

1 December 2013 – Perayaan Natal Bersama 2013 di KBRI

Tema tahun ini “Kasihi Sesamamu’ and lebih dari 600 telah bersama untuk acara ini dan turut di undang adalah satu finalis Indonesian Idol 2010 dan Bapak Lurah Tioloweru untuk bersaksi tentang persatuan Antara agama dan hidup dengan mengandalkan Tuhan. Acara ini didukung penuh oleh Ibu-ibu Forerunner Fellowship.

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Dirgahayu Dharma Wanita Persatuan Ke-14

11 December 2013 – December was full of activities and month it celebrated its anniversary

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) celebrated with a simple ceremony commemorating its 14th anniversary on 11 December 2014 at KBRI. The ladies have good reason to be proud of the work they do under the leadership of its president Mrs Ferial S Hadi, promoting goodwill, social, welfare and charitable causes have helped many and contributed to improved ties. The ladies participated in Culinary Workshop at Rumah Budaya at Sekolah Indonesia Singapura (31 Nov), promoting dental health care for children (5 Dec) and a visit to the Asian Civilisation Museum (11 Dec).

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Indonesia at Chingay 2014

8 January 2014 – This is the seventh year Indonesia has participated with a country contingent

Chingay 2014 is one of Asia’s biggest street parades and this year the Indonesian contingent was represented by more than 200 people from Sanggar Greget (Semarang), Kutai Kartanegara (East Kalimantan), SMPN 2 Ngamprah (Bandung), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Bandung) and Jember Fashion Carnaval (East Java). Several cultural showpiece dances that fused traditional and contemporary styles were performed such as the Mask, Angklung , Batik and the Balinese Jaipong dances.

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Love Across the Oceans

13 December 2013 – The Star Performing Arts Centre

Konser ‘Love Across the Oceans’ merupakan sejarah dalam dunia angklung orkestra, dikarenakan baru kali ini konser angklung dilakukan khusus berkolaborasi dengan Chinese Orchestra, yang memiliki karakter berbeda dengan musik Angklung. Hal inilah yang menarik perhatian penonton kedua negara yang terbukti dari kapasitas 5000 penonton, hadir sekitar 3900 di gedung konser terbesar di Singapura tersebut. Tak kalah penting,menjelang konser ini dimulai di bagian luar auditorium teater, dilakukan angklung interaktif “How to Play Angklung” pada sejumlah pengunjung yang banyak diantara mereka adalah para turis asing dan para pelajar yang sangat tertarik bermain angklung bersama para pelajar dari Sekolah Indonesia Singapura yang dipandu oleh Pak Budi Hartiana, seorang guru seni musik dari Sekolah Indonesia.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut, sebagai Guest of Honour adalah Menteri Pembangunan Nasional Singapura Mr. Koh Bun Wan, sedangkan dari Indonesia adalah Duta Besar untuk Singapura Bapak Andri Hadi, dan yang membuka acara ini adalah Sekretaris Parlemen Senior untuk Kementrian Tenaga Kerja dan Pendidikan Singapura, Bapak Hawazi Daipi. Beliau merupakan pelopor terwujudnya pertukaran budaya ini.

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Singapore Solidarity Games

23 January 2014 – Sekolah Indonesia Singapura – Generasi Cerdas

Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2014, diadakan perlombaan robotik bertajuk Singapore Solidarity Games yang diselenggarakan oleh Generasi Cerdas bekerja sama dengna Sekolah Indonesia Sigapura. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh beberapa Instruktur dan Guru Robotik serta peserta dari berbagai sekolah di daerah di Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung dan Sekolah Indonesia Singapura.

Kegiatan ini juga dihadiri oleh Bapak Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Singapura Bapak Andri Hadi dan Koordinator Fungsi Pensosbud Bapak Simon.

Kegiatan dimulai dengan pemaparan mengenai sejarah dan teori robotika oleh salah seorang Guru Robotik dari Generasi Cerdas.Perlombaan membuat robot pun dimulai setelah semua peserta memahami cara-cara merakit robot. Adapun kategori yang diperlombakan adalah merakit robot line follower yang cukup simple namun memerlukan ketelitian.

Perlombaan berjalan begitu meriah, semua asyik berlomba sementara penonton menyemangati peserta yang berlomba. Setelah perakitan, maka tahap akhir dari perlombaan adalah menguji kelayakan robot tersebut. Hasil uji ini menentukan siapa yang keluar sebagai juara.Sekolah Indonesia Singapura menyabet medali pada semua tingkatan, baik SD, SMP maupun SMA. Bahkan menjadi juara Pertama di tingkat SD.Setelah pengumuman pemenang, Bapak Duta Besar didampingi Pak Simon menyerahkan medali dan piagam penghargaan kepada para pemenang.Kegiatan ditutup dengan berfoto bersama.

Little by Little: Students Gain Insights on Indonesia

25 January 2014 – Indonesian Embassy and IPA interacts with students in Singapore International Federation programme (SIF)

The SIF-Little Arts Academy (LAA) Little by Little session on 25 January 2014 saw members of the Indonesian Professionals Association (IPA) and members of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore share cultural insights with students of LAA. These included unique insights into Indonesian cultural etiquette or “do’s and don’ts” in a talk by IPA Vice President, Komang Narendra. Sekolah Indonesia Singapura art teacher, Budi Hartiana Sudradjat demonstrated basket weaving using recycled materials while Indonesian Embassy Information, Social and Culture division’s officer Muhammad Alamsyah taught some preliminary steps of the traditional Saman dance. The fun and informative session was also attended by the division’s Third Secretary, Ibu Prairie Maharwati and IPA President Verdyka Kurniawan. To show their appreciation, the LAA students shared the origins of the lo hei, or prosperity toss, which is part sof the Chinese Lunar New Year tradition. The visit provided the students an opportunity to meet and learn more about Indonesia. “We have participated again this year as we believe the programme can promote people-to-people contact between Indonesia and Singapore,” said Ms Prairie about the second collaboration. The SIF invites the international community in Singapore to share with LAA students arts and cultural information and activities.

Anies Baswedan on Leadership, Education and Entrepreneurship

16 February 2014 – How the diaspora can help with Indonesia’s development

A golden opportunity was offered when Anies Baswedan, the respected President of Paramadina University and chairman of Indonesia Mengajar (Teaching Indonesia) shared his thoughts at the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore on the subject of nurturing leaders and entrepreneurs. He started by providing a glimpse into Indonesia’s future that is filled with tremendous opportunities as well as challenges. He also gave insights into how the country can go forward and one of the top most priorities he said is reformation of education policies; tapping into the network of Indonesians abroad as well as inviting international scholars to teach in Indonesia. He also said bureaucratic and budgeting reforms be undertaken and financial assistance to support entrepreneurship. The event was organised by FKMIS (Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Indonesia Di Singapura), IDSG (Indonesian Diaspora Singapore), PPIS (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Singapura), IMAS (Indonesian Muslim Association in Singapore), IPA (Indonesian Professionals’ Association), Ikatan Alumni ITB and KUNTUM (Keluarga NTU Muslim).

Indonesian Day

26 January 2014 – Hari Bertemunya Masyarakat Indonesia di Singapura

Untuk meningkatkan dan mempererat jalinan tali silaturahmi antar masyarakat Indonesia di Singapura, Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Indonesia di Singapura (FKMIS) bekerjasama dengan KBRI Singapura menyelenggarakan Indonesian Day pada tanggal 26 Januari 2014 di Singapore Botanic Garden. Acara yang resmi dibuka oleh Duta Besar Indonesia di Singapura, Andri Hadi ini dihadiri oleh sekitar 500 warganegara Indonesia yang tinggal di Singapura.

Diantara masyarakat yang hadir adalah dari beberapa komunitas Penata Laksana Rumah Tangga, seperti Indoozoo, Buruh Migran Indonesia (BMI), dan International Family Network (IFN). Di samping itu juga terdapat kelompok komunitas lain seperti Bobotoh, Masyarakat Kristiani Indonesia Singapura (MKIS), Ikatan Profesional Indonesia, Assosiasi Wanita Indonesia di Singapura, Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Singapura, Ikatan Muslim Indonesia di Singapura, Ikatan Alumni ITB, dan beberapa komunitas lainnya. Tampak pula beberapa pelajar Indonesia yang menempuh jenjang perguruan tinggi di universitas Singapura seperti National University of Singapore (NUS) dan Nanyang Technological University (NTU) turut meramaikan suasana. Acara yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 500 orang tersebut menuai pujian dari para peserta.

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Pelantikan PPLN 2014

10 February 2014 – Official appointment for election officials in Singapore

As Indonesia’s elections draw nearer, part of the process in the country’s embassies is the appointment of the members of oPanita Pemilihan Luar Negeri (PPLN) for the Indonesian embassy in Singapore. Six members of the Embassy staff have been officially appointed and you will probably be seeing more of them when you go to vote on 6 April at the Embassy. They include Mirza Nurhidayat, Muhamad Alamsyah, Kholifah, Dhonny Firdana and Renaldo Alvin Da Costa. For more information

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Jupiters Thrills at Singapore Airshow 2014

16-21 February 2014 – Singapore Air Show 2014

The TNI-AU Jupiters team, Indonesian Air Force’s elite formation aerobatic display team provided plenty of excitement and thrills at this year’s Singapore Airshow display. The Jupiters joined four other top world-class aerobatic display teams from South Korea, Australia, the USA and host country Singapore. The team consists of nine pilots who are flying instructors from Adisutjipto Air Training Wing in Yogjakarta. Eight were former fighter pilots and one a transport pilot in the air force. They are led by Maj Feri ‘MIRAGE’ Yunaldi, who has been in the air force for 16 years since graduating as a pilot from the air academy.

The Major said, “Personally, I am very, very happy to perform at the Airshow. It is one of the biggest events in Asia and as pilots we were able to meet and interact with other pilots from some of the best aerobatic teams in the world such as the Black Knights of the RSAF and Black Eagles of South Korea. We hope to come back in the future.”

The team has a proud history of participation in aerobatic shows flying the Korean TK-B1 ‘Wong Bi’ turboprop aircraft since 2011. Most recent performances were during the 50th anniversary of the Royal Thai air force in 2012, LIMA in Langkawi and in Brunei last year. One of the proudest moments for the team was during TNI’s anniversary celebrations in 2011 where the Indonesian public and the Chief of the Airforce saw for the first time what the team in the new KT-1Bs and custom Red-White livery can do.

The 38-year old Major, who comes from West Sumatra revealed, “We had a month to adapt our display routines to fit the weather, cloud conditions and operational rules given here by the organisers. We had greater freedom in designing the manoeuvres in Brunei and Langkawi. However, many of the basic moves in aerobatic displays – up to 60 per cent – are the same, it’s how we ‘choreograph’ and sequence them to entertain the crowds that makes the difference.”

Nevertheless, when one sees two planes flying at 450kmh head on with about 10 feet separating each aircraft it is quite heart stopping. “Yes, we try to make it more interesting for the crowds,” smiled the Major. Of all the stunts, his personal choice of the most challenging is the ‘Mirror’ where two aircrafts flying together in tandem one is positioned upside down above the other!” And the most dangerous would probably be the solo vertical spin, he said that right at the apex when the plane comes to a stop, sometimes the pilot might not be able to predict in which direction the plane will fall!”
For more information and links to videos of the Jupiters performances.