The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore honored Professor Tommy Koh with the Adinata Award on August 17th, 2024, recognizing his significant contributions to diplomacy and bilateral relations

Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Suryo Pratomo (left), presents the Adinata Award to Professor Tommy Koh (right) during the celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day on August 17th, 2024

THE Indonesian Embassy in Singapore awarded the Adinata Award to Professor Tommy Koh on August 17th, 2024, in recognition of his exceptional achievements as a diplomat, academic, and prominent public figure who inspires everyone. The award was given during the celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day.

Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Suryo Pratomo, explained that the Adinata Award was granted to Professor Koh in acknowledgment of his significant efforts to enhance bilateral ties and cooperation between Indonesia and Singapore. Professor Koh has made notable contributions through his writing and participation in various forums addressing ASEAN and other major issues.

Professor Tommy Koh, alongside the late Professor Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, a former Indonesian Foreign Minister, was instrumental in the development of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This treaty holds particular importance for Indonesia as an archipelagic country.

Ambassador Suryo Pratomo emphasised that the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore holds deep respect and appreciation for individuals and organisations that have significantly contributed to strengthening bilateral relations between Indonesia and Singapore.

Tommy Koh conveyed his utmost gratitude for the recognition and expressed his hope that Indonesia’s economy will continue to thrive, maintain domestic peace and harmony, and sustain its leadership role within ASEAN.

Source: Indonesian Embassy in Singapore