International Symposium of Javanese Culture during the 2024 coronation anniversary of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X
THE International Symposium on Javanese Culture invites scholars and academia from multiple universities with their academic research paper surrounding the topic of Javanese culture. Since 1st October 2023-31st October 2023, scholars and academia around the world have been submitting their academic papers for review and approval to present in the symposium. This international symposium also takes place during Tingalan Jumenengan Dalem (coronation anniversary) of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Traditional Ceremonies in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta”.
Chosen writers are then invited to present their research and given the opportunity to receive feedbacks to further improve their research before submitting them to international scientific journals. The reviewers of this year’s symposium are; Prof. Sumarsam (professor of music at Wesleyan University), Dr. Indria Laksmi Gamayanti (clinical psychologist at Kemuning Kembar Foundation), Dr. George Quinn (honorary professor in the college of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University), and Prof. PM Laksono (professor of anthropology at Gadjah Mada University).

Tickets are available from 16th January 2024 – 2nd March 2024. No tickets will be sold onsite.
The International Symposium is a hybrid event, available offline and online via Zoom.
Source: Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, Symposium Kraton Jogja