Defence expert Andi Widjajanto highlighted the potential formation of a standalone cyber force in Indonesia, which could take up to seven years to materialise

Senior Advisor of Indonesia Laboratory 2045 (Lab 45) Andi Widjajanto (left) speaks during a discussion session held by the United States Cultural Center in Jakarta, Thursday, September 26th, 2024

DEFENCE expert Andi Widjajanto expressed that the formation of a dedicated cyber force separate from Indonesia’s Army (TNI AD), Navy (TNI AL), and Air Force (TNI AU) could take as long as seven years. 

Mr. Andi, who served as the Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) from 2022 to 2023, explained that the process would involve strengthening cyber units within each military branch before creating a joint cyber command led by a three-star officer.

The current dynamics of strategic environmental developments have had a multiplier effect on the geopolitics and geostrategy of countries, including Indonesia. The rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) and Society 5.0 has influenced various aspects of military operations, including doctrine, tactics, combat techniques, and warfare strategies. These technological advancements require the military to not only adapt to new threats but also enhance their capacity to safeguard against cyber threats in this evolving digital landscape.

For Indonesia, creating a cyber force would also require adjustments to its constitution, which currently recognizes only three branches of the military. A constitutional amendment would enable the legal formation of this new branch, making Indonesia more aligned with other nations that have developed dedicated cyber commands, such as Singapore, which established its Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS) in October 2022.

Source: Antaranews