THE Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore, in collaboration with the Indonesian Community Communication Forum in Singapore (FKMIS) and the Indonesian Women’s Association in Singapore (PWIS) and participation of the DWP (Dharma Wanita Persatuan), successfully organized the Amazing Indonesia 2023 event on 4th and 5th November 2023. This two-day cultural extravaganza celebrated Indonesia’s rich heritage and products.
The event was inaugurated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore, Mr. Suryo Pratomo, symbolizing the official opening of Amazing Indonesia 2023. Ambassador Pratomo expressed his deep appreciation for the event’s organization and the dedication of the Indonesian community in Singapore to promote Indonesia in Singapore.

The festivities began with a Saman dance performance by students from the Indonesian School in Singapore, setting the stage for a captivating showcase of Indonesian culture. The fashion segment featured renowned Indonesian batik brands, including Batik Chiq, Batik Debz, and Exme Gallery. Alongside the cultural performances, Amazing Indonesia also offered a diverse array of culinary delights, fashion items, accessories, and retail products from micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSME). The event catered to both Indonesian and local communities, attracting hundreds of attendees to sample Indonesia’s cultural experience.

At the BISA (Business Indonesia Singapore Association) stand there was a wide collection of offerings from Indonesian firms that are making their mark in Singapore. BISA also included the book launch of diaSPORA Bangga Berbangsa by former journalist and best selling author/biographer Fenty Effendi who also wrote Karni Ilyas: Lahir untuk Berita (2012); Ombak Perdamaian: Peran dan Inisiatif JK Mendamaikan Aceh (2015) and most recently Waktu-waktu Terbaik Bambang Susantono (2023), amongst other titles. Published by Kompass Books, diaSPORA charts the history and development of the Indonesian diaspora in Bahasa Indonesia. IndoConnect will endeavour to review the book for the next edition of IndoConnect magazine.
Amazing Indonesia 2023 Photo Gallery