Singapore, October 13, 2023 – A diverse group of 45 entrepreneurs, scientists, academics, and young researchers from 10 ASEAN countries convened at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore for a fireside chat-type event. It was organised by the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) here in collaboration with the ASEAN Network Singapore and took place on the evening of 13th October 2023.
The talk was titled “From Jakarta to SG: Urban Development and Connectivity in Complex Cities,” and focused on the latest developments in Jakarta. Indonesia’s capital city has seen significant progress with the introduction of the MRT, LRT, and the Bandung-Jakarta high-speed train. The aim was to compare Jakarta’s urban infrastructure with that of Singapore, a city often used as a benchmark for urban development in Indonesia.
The event fostered a casual yet insightful dialogue, featuring three discussion starters representing various sectors including government, academia, and practitioners from both Singapore and Indonesia.
LeeAnn Chan, a data analyst at the Singapore Development Board, stressed the significance of long-term planning patterns based on data projections for sustainable urban development. She emphasized the importance of data-driven planning in shaping cities for the future.
Rizki Fadhilah, the founder of the startup CityPlan and a student in Singapore, offered a positive perspective on Jakarta’s urban development. He acknowledged that while Jakarta faces more complex challenges due to its status as a megacity, the city is making positive strides.
Professor Zulfikar Amir, a lecturer at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and an Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) graduate, argued that comparing Jakarta with Singapore may not be entirely fair due to contextual differences. Each city has its unique challenges and contexts that affect their development paths.
Singapore and Indonesia are actively collaborating on research related to renewable energy and the development of smart cities. This collaboration is led by NTU and involves partnerships with prominent Indonesian universities, including ITB, ITS, UI, and UGM.
Rizki Kusumastuti, the First Secretary of the Social and Cultural Information Function at KBRI Singapura, explained that this ASEAN youth dialogue not only aligns with Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN, concluding in December 2024, but also represents a tangible form of ASEAN youth cooperation. It serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences, fostering regional collaboration on critical urban development and connectivity issues.
Source: KBRI Singapura