(Above from l): 1st pix – Mrs Sita H. Agustanzi, the founder of KCBI; HE Ambassador Ngurah Swajaya and Mrs Desi Windanarni Wilson, the Chairwoman of KCBI Singapore. 2nd pix – HE Ambassador Ngurah Swajaya with the the Board of KCBI Singapore. 3rd pix – Mrs Estu McAlister, Vice Chairwoman of KCBI Singapore, Mrs Mahaswi Swajaya and Mrs. Ninda Harahap
KCBI Singapore collaborates with the Indonesian Embassy to promote the traditional fabrics, fashion and culture of Indonesia
KCBI (Komunitas Cinta Berkain Indonesia) is a worldwide organization established to celebrate and conserve Indonesian fabrics and fashion. Its Singapore branch has been active for almost a year before it was formally inaugurated last year on 3rd November 2018. According to KCBI Singapore Chairperson, Ibu Desi Windanarni Wilson: “We have conducted many social and cultural activities to carry out the vision and mission of the KCBI.”
In the series of KCBI Singapore inauguration activities, the founder of KCBI based in Jakarta, Mrs. Sita H. Agustanzi, accompanied by Mrs. Desi Windanarni Wilson has visited and met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for Singapore Mr. I Gede Ngurah Swajaya. The visit strengthened ties between KCBI Singapore and the Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in Singapore as KCBI Singapore is playing an active role as a member of the Indonesian community branched out in Singapore under the auspices of the Embassy’s Pensosbud (Penerangan, Social and Budaya) or Social and Cultural Affairs section.
One of the highlights of KCBI’s activities organised with the support of the Indonesian Embassy here was the historic and memorable celebration of the first National Batik Day on 2nd October 2019. KCBI Singapore collaborated with Mrs. Mahaswi Swajaya, wife of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for Singapore, to commemorate National Batik Day with the theme Membatik untuk Negeri or Batik for the Nation.
The programme that day included a presentation of a number of traditional Indonesian heritage batiks. Members and the board of KCBI gave an informative talk about the meaning and philosophy behind those batiks. Another highlight of the event celebrating National Batik Day was the Best Batik Dress Competition at the Wisma Indonesia.

HE Ambassador Ngurah Swajaya and Mrs. Mahaswi Swajaya with all participants at the National Batik Day celebrations.