Ambassador Suryo Pratomo and Deputy Minister of Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, Attend Kopi Kenangan’s Grand Opening in Singapore.
Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Suryo Pratomo (@suryo.pratomo), graced the grand opening of the inaugural Kopi Kenangan outlet at Raffles City. Joining him were Ni Made Ayu Marthini, Deputy Minister of Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (@ayumarthini), as well as the CEO duo of Kopi Kenangan, Edward Tirtanata and James Prananto. The event marked a significant milestone for the popular grab-and-go coffee chain, known for its success in Indonesia, as it extends its reach into Singapore and Malaysia. Apart from Raffles City, Kopi Kenangan has also established a presence at Terminal 2 of Changi Airport.
The Indonesian Ambassador and the Deputy Minister of Marketing from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy expressed their warm welcome for Kopi Kenangan’s expansion into Singapore. They are optimistic that Kopi Kenangan, a strong Indonesian brand, will continue its successful journey by expanding into other countries.