The Indonesian Delegation was led by the Deputy Assistant for Disaster Resilience and Technology Utilisation – Ministry of Economic Affairs, Mr. Muksin, along with representatives from various sectors, conducted benchmarking activities on waste management in Singapore.

THE Indonesian delegation, led by the Deputy Assistant for Disaster Resilience and Technology Utilisation – Ministry of Economic Affairs, Mr Muksin, was comprised of members from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, ITB academics, representatives from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Indonesia’s Business Development Section, and was supported by the Economic Function of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, engaged in a series of benchmarking activities on waste management for environmental disaster mitigation in Singapore on 15-16 May.
During their visit, the Indonesian delegation made a field trip to the TuasOne Waste to Energy (WtE) Plant in Tuas and held meetings with the National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore, also representatives from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Asia Pacific, the operator of TuasOne WtE Plant.

The visit aimed to learn more about alternative technologies being used, cooperation plans, finance strategies, and best practices in waste management for the installation of WtE Plants in Singapore. Discussions also revolved around follow-up actions and future collaboration opportunities for waste management in Indonesia.
The delegation made the most of the chance to gain insights from Singapore’s experience in waste management and explore potential areas of cooperation to enhance Indonesia’s waste management systems.
This initiative reflects Indonesia’s commitment in adopting best practices and innovative approaches as well as collaborating with international partners to address environmental challenges effectively.
Source: Indonesian Embassy in Singapore