(Photo: KBRI Singapura)

Regional roundtable in Singapore tackles challenges faced by Indonesian migrant domestic workers, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing for improved protection and access to justice.

(Photo: KBRI Singapura)

On Monday, June 19, 2023, the Department of Protocols and Consular Affairs/Protection of Indonesian Nationals Abroad (Protkons/PWNI) and the Technical Staff for Labor organized a collaborative event with Justice Without Borders (JWB) in Singapore. The event, titled “Building Legal Claims for Migrant Domestic Workers: A Regional Roundtable for Organizations in Singapore and Indonesia,” aimed to address the challenges faced by Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Singapore and strengthen the network between the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore and relevant stakeholders, including NGOs and PMI organizations in Indonesia.

The roundtable event commenced with an opening address by the Coordinator of Protkons/PWNI. Approximately 40 participants were in attendance, comprising representatives from JWB Singapore, migrant worker organizations in Indonesia, the Technical Staff for Labor, Labor Attachés, as well as home staff and local staff from Protkons/PWNI. This diverse group of participants brought together a wealth of knowledge and expertise to engage in meaningful discussions.

Throughout the event, participants engaged in thoughtful exchanges, sharing their insights and experiences regarding the protection of PMI in Singapore. The challenges faced by migrant domestic workers, such as legal vulnerabilities, unfair treatment, and access to justice, were highlighted. The roundtable aimed to foster a deeper understanding of these issues and generate collaborative solutions to enhance the protection of PMI.

The regional roundtable also aimed to strengthen the networking and cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore and various stakeholders, including NGOs and PMI organizations in Indonesia. By establishing and nurturing these relationships, the participants sought to create a platform for ongoing dialogue and collaboration, leading to more effective protection measures for PMI.

Furthermore, the event provided an opportunity for the participants to learn from the expertise and experiences of Justice Without Borders (JWB). As a renowned organization specializing in cross-border access to justice, JWB shared valuable insights on building legal claims for migrant domestic workers. The knowledge and best practices shared by JWB were highly beneficial, equipping the participants with tools and strategies to address the legal challenges faced by PMI.

Sourced from KBRI Singapura